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Guild Ranking

Top 20 Guilds on IonRo

Rank Guild Name Guild Level Castles Owned Members Average Level Experience
1 Soviet Union 50 7 14 200 107,689,870,521
2 Asprika 50 0 4 200 34,107,870,810
3 AliedForces 50 0 2 200 35,951,750
4 CocoMelon 50 0 8 200 273
5 Inbonerabol 50 0 1 200 273
6 Only Fans 49 0 2 200 29,963,374,955
7 Pinas Allstar 46 0 2 200 1,734,079,315
8 UNGAS 39 0 1 200 18,973,417,556
9 SM Supermalls 35 0 15 192 14,168,322,042
10 GUILD 35 0 3 200 13,851,634,100
11 Mirasol 32 0 1 200 10,508,800,809
12 RobinsonsMall 25 0 1 200 270,400,750
13 dznuts 19 6 15 200 35,223,140
14 Medellin Cartel 19 0 4 200 80,400,000
15 zzxrel 17 0 2 200 142,237,390
16 SpankBang 16 0 4 200 1,193,000,273
17 Digital Hearts 15 0 15 200 965,756,523
18 Buratchingwa 13 0 1 200 704,500,273
19 GhostHunters 8 0 4 200 165,590,273
20 THOUGHT KNOCKS 3 0 3 200 9,684,773